'SER Reporteros', Hora 14 Fin de Semana

Posted on September 26, 2011 by RAQUEL RODRÍGUEZ

Apparently during the last year the number of Spaniards coming to London seeking opportunities has increased dramatically. This was the main point of the short interview I did with Begoña Arce from 'SER Reporteros', Hora 14 Fin de Semana (a Spanish radio show in Cadena SER). The interview was released last Saturday at 15.00 hours. Here is the link if this topic interests you (by the way it is in Spanish):

Back on track

Posted on September 22, 2011 by RAQUEL RODRÍGUEZ 

Once again I did not realize how long I had taken between entries. Shame on me! I am seriously considering picking a day each week to write entries so I can update more regularly. Enough regretting my poor effort!
How is everyone doing with the QLTS preparation? Any advice you would like to share with all of us? Here is mine: read the whole range of manuals or study material quickly and as many times as you can rather than focussing too much on just one area as it will stop you from progressing. Let me put it this way, there are 11 outcomes to get through and just 4 months to go. Times flies and eventually you might feel you are working against the clock!
By the way I am planning to take the MCT exam on the 23rd of January. So no much time to waste... In fact, I am going to make myself a cup of tea and carry on with my study.

In the meantime here is a simple question that will challenge your knowledge about EU Law:

A private company, which sells its goods in member countries of the EU, wants to increase its share of the market. It persuaded its own government to suspend tax on its profits for 2 years to make its prices more competitive. According to EU Law:
a) No breach of the EU Law
b) No breach of the EU Law, if its tax payment halved
c) No breach of the EU Law, if its tax payment reduced by 10%
d) Absolutely forbidden by the EU Law
e) It is a domestic matter not affected by the EU Law
Feel free to answer but please include an explanation. Good luck!

My Everest!

Posted on September 03, 2011 by RAQUEL RODRÍGUEZ 

I am sorry for my lack of posting lately guys! A while ago I came to Barcelona to visit my family and friends and have been busy catching up ever since. Although I meant to write an entry every single day this lovely weather has been keeping me away from books and internet. Time goes fast and it has been almost a month since my last post. So let's get a move on!
Last night while I was chatting with a couple I am friends with I came up with the subject of this new entry. It is actually one of my biggest concerns and most likely the one for many non-native English speakers. Being able to speak as an English lawyer does is certainly one of the biggest challenges I've ever come across. It is my Everest!
The same rule applies for all lawyers regardless of where they come from. Lawyers must be able to explain themselves clearly. Having an extensive vocabulary helps you appear intelligent, professional and enables you to communicate concisely. It should also enhance your chances to succeed. After all, words are the principal tools of lawyers.
QLTS gives you a base of Legal language and terminology to work from but it is not enough. There is still a long way to go.
Anything that challenges your current English level can be useful. Starting from watching films or listening to music then moving on to reading through Legal websites or blogs. The stuff is out there you just have to take a look and choose what suits you the best. If you're really lucky finding an internship or doing some work as a paralegal would be ideal. I have even gone to the Court in different occasions. It is amazing how much you can learn from listening barristers and judges talk to each other. For them it's just another ordinary day whereas for me it's a chance to learn an insight to what I hope one day will be my future. Another idea is to make native English speaking friends that are very well spoken and articulate and chat with them as often as possible. It sounds selfish but it will help!
So let's be enthusiastic and proud of ourselves. Eventually we'll get there!
In the meanwhile I leave you this joke I found the other day and put a smile on my face...